Welcome to Acidhouse
Hello all and welcome to Acidhouse. I know that I've been
promiseing for a long time now to get this web site up, and I'm slowly workn' on it.
Well I'm not completely sure when I'll be done it completely, but I'm sure that your gonna
need at least a couple thing's, there's link's to get them at the bottom of the page.
of all you'll need a browser that support's
Frames I'd recommend Netscape 4.0 but sadly this page is best viewed with I.E. 4.0 for the
time, This page is also gonna have 3D fx witch mean's that you will need to get IE5.0
there are only beta version's of this browser though.
I'm gonna have a page to do with music, and I'm gonna post my favorite song's, and probably requests too. Your gonna need
RealPlayer, I recommend RealPlayer G2 because it has much better compression than the
RealPlayer5.0, and I will be converting them into RealPlayer G2 surestreem format witch is
a format that has three bandwidth's in one, so if you using a T1 connection or a 28.8
you'll be able to hear the song.
as I mentioned in #1 I'm gonna have 3D page's and until IE5.0 is released, your gonna have
to get this plug in, this plugin work's for both Netscape and Internet Explorer.
This plug-in is abit over 5Mb's so not that bad, but it's relay a good prog and I
recommend getting it.
Well that's all for now and keep checking up on this page to
check if I find that you'll need any-other plugin's for better experience to my
site. Well till I'm done c-ya